Digital Restoration Services
The Framer's Workshop gives personal attention to your digital restoration needs. Most old and damaged photographs can be digitally restored to make them look as good as new if not better. We can also digitally repair old documents, removing creases, tears, and stains.
The process is simple: Bring your damaged artwork in for us to scan at a high resolution. Tell us what you'd like accomplished with your image and what size the reproduction you'd like. We print on Luster, Enhanced Matte, or Coldpress Bright (an archival, 100% rag paper). Your original never leaves our shop. If you prefer not to leave it with us, if you call us to arrange a time in advance, we can scan the original while you wait and return it to you at that time.
If your image has already been scanned or exists as a digital file, it can be uploaded on our uploader page HERE.
Below is a slideshow of just a few examples of the thousands of digital restorations we've made over the years.